08/14/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is Select for a 3 pt GCH major at the Penn Ridge KC Show in Doswell, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
08/13/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is Select for a 3 pt GCH major at the Penn Ridge KC Show in Doswell, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
08/12/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is Select at the Huntingdon Valley KC Show in Doswell, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
08/06/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is Select for 1 GCH pt at the Roanoke KC Show in Salem, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
08/05/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for 1 GCH pt at the Roanoke KC Show in Salem, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
08/04/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is Select for 1 GCH pt at the James River KC Show in Salem, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
08/03/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for 2 GCH pts at the James River KC Show in Salem, VA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/31/22 - Ch Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for a 1 GCH pt at the Providence County KC show in North Kingstown, RI. Handler JLB.

We are very pleased to announce that it is now CH Pinewood Acres Unshakeable!
Moxie finished with a 4 pt major at the Providence Kennel Club Show in North Kingstown, RI.
on 07/30/22. Thank you to judge Mrs. Nena Dee and to her handler, Juli Lacey Black.
07/30/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOS for a 4 pt major to finish at the Providence County KC show in North Kingstown, RI. Handler JLB.
07/24/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOW for 1 pt at the Nita-Nee KC show in Centre Hall, PA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/23/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOW for 1 pt at the Nita-Nee KC show in Centre Hall, PA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
We are very proud of our boy, MBISS GCHB CH Furry Love Iceberg "Ice".
In limited showing, he ended 2021 #11 Long Coat Chihuahua in the Country
and he has been invited to the 2022 CCA National Specialty Top 20 Event.

07/17/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for 1 pt at the Green Mountain Dog Club in Tunbridge, VT. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/10/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is RWB(to a 4 pt major) at the Holyoke KC show in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/09/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BW for 1 pt at the Farmington Valley KC show in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/08/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for 1 pt at the Kenilworth Kennel Club of CT club in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/07/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOS for 1 pt at the Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
07/06/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOS for 1 pts at the Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/26/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is RWB at the Penobscot Valley KC show in Cumberland, Me. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/25/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for a 3 pt major at the Penobscot Valley KC show in Cumberland, Me. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/19/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOS at the Greater Clarksburg WV KC show in Morgantown, WV. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/17/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is RWB at the Western Pennsylvania Kennel Assoc. in Morgantown, WV. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/16/22 - Pinewood Acres Unshakeable is BOB for 1 pt at the Western Pennsylvania Kennel Assoc. in Morgantown, WV. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/12/22 - Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for 2 GCH pts at the Longshore Southport KC Show in Norwalk, CT.
06/11/22 - Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOS at the Greenwich KC Show in Norwalk, CT. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
06/10/22 - Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for 1 GCH pt at the Taconic Hills KC show in New Paltz, NY. Handler JLB.
06/09/22 - Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for 1 GCH pt at the Taconic Hills KC show in New Paltz, NY. Handler JLB.
05/30/22 - Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is Select at the Spartenburg KC show in Fletcher, NC. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
05/29/22 - Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is Select for 1 GCH major at the Spartenburg KC show in Fletcher, NC.

We are very pleased to announce that it is now Ch Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush.
Crush finished his Championship on 5/26/22 at the Asheville KC Show in Fletcher, NC under judge Mrs Linda Hurlebaus.
As always, thank you to his Handler Juli Lacey Black for her care/expert handling of our dogs.
05/26/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BW for a 4 pt mjr to finish at the Asheville KC Show in Fletcher, NC. Handler JLB.
05/22/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for a 4 pt major at the York County KC show in Cumberland, ME. Handler JLB.
05/21/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for a 4 pt major at the Vacationland KC show in Cumberland, ME. Handler JLB.
05/20/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for 1 pt at the York KC Show in Cumberland, ME. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
05/19/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOB for 1 pt at the Vacationland Dog Club Show in Cumberland, ME. Handler JLB.
05/15/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOS for 1 pt at the Windham County KC show in Brooklyn, CT. Handler JLB.
05/14/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is RWD at the St Hubert KC show in W. Windsor, NJ. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
05/13/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BOS at the St. Hubert KC show in Brooklyn, CT. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
05/09/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD at the Trenton KC show in W. Windsor, NJ. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
05/08/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD at the Trenton KC show in W. Windsor, NJ. Handler Juli Lacey Black.

05/01/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is BW for 1 point at the Penn Treaty KC show in Bear, DE. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/30/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD at the Wilmington KC show in Bear, DE. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/29/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD at the Wilmington KC show in Bear, DE. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/28/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD at the Mispillion KC show in Bear, DE. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/24/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is RWD at the South Windsor KC in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/23/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD for 1 pt at the Springfield KC in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/10/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is WD at the Trap Falls KC in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
04/09/22 - Eva's Edensecret Pinewood Acres Orange Crush is RWD at the Troy KC in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
03/27/22 - MBISS GCHB CH Furry Love Iceberg is BOV at the Bronx County KC show in Edison, NJ for 4 GCHS pts. Handler Juli Lacey Black.

We are thrilled to announce that it is now MBISS GCHB CH Furry Love Iceberg!
"Ice" was Best Of Variety at the Chihuahua Club Of Mid-Jersey Specialty Show in Edison, NJ on 3/26/22
under judge Janet M. Allen. Thank you to his Handler Juli Lacey Black for her expert care/handling of our dogs.
03/26/22 - BISS GCHB CH Furry Love Iceberg is BOV at the Chihuahua Club Of Mid-Jersey Specialty Show in Edison, NJ for 4 GCHS pts.
03/25/22 - BISS GCHB CH Furry Love Iceberg is BOV at the New Brunswick KC show in Edison, NJ for 4 GCHS pts. Handler Juli Lacey Black.

We are very pleased to announce that it is now GCH CH TJ's Arya Stark!
Arya finished her GCH at the Louisville Kennel Club Show in Louisville, KY on 3/20/22.
Thank you to judge Mrs. Eva E. Berg and to her handler, Juli Lacey Black.
03/20/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is Select over Specials at the Louisville KC Show in Louisville, KY for 4 GCH pts to finish her GCH. Handler JLB.
03/18/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is Select over Specials at the Louisville KC Show in Louisville, KY for 5 GCH pts. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
03/06/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is BOS at the First Co. Govenor's Foot Guard Athletic Assoc. Show in W Springfield, MA for 1 GCH pt.
03/05/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is BOS at the First Co. Govenor's Foot Guard Athletic Assoc. Show in W Springfield, MA for 4 GCH pts.
02/27/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is Select over Specials at the Rockland County KC Show in W Springfield, MA for 5 GCH pts. Handler JLB.
02/26/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is Select over Specials at the Rockland County KC Show in W Springfield, MA for 5 GCH pts. Handler JLB.
02/24/22 - Ch TJ's Arya Stark is Select over a Special at the Shawangunk KC Show in W Springfield, MA for 2 GCH pts. Handler JLB.

We are very pleased to announce that it is now CH TJ's Arya Stark!
Arya finished with back to back 5 pt majors at the Maryland Kennel Club Shows in W. Friendship
Maryland on 02/20/22. Thank you to judge Mrs. Sydney Good and to her handler, Juli Lacey Black.
02/20/22 - TJ's Arya Stark is BOS at the Maryland KC Show in West Friendship, MD for a 5 pt major to finish. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
02/19/22 - TJ's Arya Stark is WB at the Maryland KC Show in West Friendship, MD for a 5 pt major. Handler Juli Lacey Black.

02/06/22 - TJ's Arya Stark is BOV at the Great Barrington KC Show in W Springfield, MA for a 3 pt major. Handler Juli Lacey Black.