

*Please note - due to biosecurity and security reasons, 

I will only meet buyers outside, in a public area. 

I require half of the purchase price for a deposit to hold a puppy.

The deposit is to hold the puppy of your choice.  It is NON-REFUNDABLE & NOT TRANSFERABLE, 

unless the puppy dies or becomes seriously ill while in my care.  Please note that if a Chihuahua puppy has any hypoglycemic issues, he/she will need to stay here until around 16 weeks of age. This is NOT considered 

an illness, this is a common issue in Chihuahuas.  A deposit will not be refunded due to hypoglycemia issues.

Also, I show and unfortunately along with this, sometimes the dogs that are out showing will bring home Kennel Cough, etc.  I do not refund deposits due to Kennel Cough, etc. - the puppy will just have to stay 

here a bit longer if any of my adults and/or the puppy are showing symtoms/need Vet treatment.


I am sorry, but this now also pertains to repeat buyers. Far too many people change their mind and I 

lose potential buyers/good homes because they think the puppy is sold and will purchase elsewhere. 

Once a puppy becomes available, he/she will remain available until a deposit has been received.  

So, this means if I am talking to more than one approved applicant at the same time, the first applicant 

who commits and places a deposit will get the puppy. Upon receiving a definite yes from you, I will hold 

the puppy for 24 hours if you choose to send a United States Postal Money Order. Send it certified/3 day

delivery AND send me a picture of the check and the tracking number.  DO NOT send it with a signature

requirement.  In the event I do not receive your deposit in a timely manner, I reserve the right to persue

another home for the puppy.  The deposit will be deducted from the purchase price of the puppy.  

I can accept Credit/Debit cards and bank transfers thru my  Good Dog  account.

I also accept bank transfers thru Zelle.


Final payment MUST BE IN CASH if you pay the remaining

balance due when you pick up your puppy - NO EXCEPTIONS!


I do not allow people to see puppies that have not had at least one vaccination.

Most puppies stay here until they are 9 - 12 weeks of age. Very tiny puppies or puppies
with hypoglycemic issues will have to stay longerI will not let any puppy go to his/her 
new home until they can have their first vaccination, they have been Vet checked, they 
are eating and drinking okay on their own and I feel that they are ready to go. 
Please note that this is 100% up to me! If I feel they are not ready to leave, I will NOT let them.

I will not place Chihuahua puppies into homes with young children(under 10). 
Chihuahuas DO NOT make good pets for young Children.  Even a well meaning 
child can drop or step on a young Chihuahua puppy and cause serious injury, or
even death.  Repeated mis-treatment will usually lead to fear biting/aggression.  
Young adults/adults and very tiny puppies are only placed into mature homes.

I also do not place puppies into homes with young/active large breed dogs or aggressive cats.
 Please keep in mind, most Chihuahua puppies are between 2-3 lbs when they
go to their new homes and this is a VERY tiny puppy that can easily be injured.

While I understand that people are excited about their new puppy, I am sorry but I
am unable to do pictures or videos every few days.  I do updated pictures every 7 to 10
days and I usually do one video when the puppies are around 5-7 weeks of age.  
I work from home and have a very busy family life, so please try to understand.

I retain the right to choose the best home for my puppies and refuse any sale for any reason. 
I also retain the right to refund a deposit and terminate a sale if I feel there is a reason to do so.

I do not hold puppies for extended periods of time!  They need to be bonding with you, not me.
Puppies will need to be picked up within 7 days of being ready to go/or if ready to go, within 7 
days of a deposit being placed, unless discussed otherwise PRIOR to a deposit being placed.  A 
boarding fee of $10.00/day and any additional costs for shots and/or Veterinarian needs may be 
charged for any puppies left here after their ready to go date. If a puppy is not picked up within 
2 weeks of being ready and/or I can not get ahold of the Buyer, the puppy will be put back up for 
sale and the Buyer will lose their deposit.

Once we have agreed on a pick-up time please do not show up early/late without 
checking with me first as I may have other obligations before/after you.

ALL puppies are sold as Pets only, with Limited AKC Papers, on Spay/Neuter Contracts.

Sorry, I do not ship Pet puppies by cargo or ground. I must meet the new owner in person.

You are welcome to fly in to Bangor International Airport In Bangor

 Maine to pick your puppy up. I will meet you at the airport for free.

*Please note - due biosecurity and security reasons, I will only meet buyers outside, in a public area.

I can meet at the Tractor Supply in Palmyra for free. 

Other places I can occasionally meet are -

For northbound travelers:

I can meet at the Tradewinds in Clinton for $40.00

I can meet at the Irving/Circle K in Waterville for $50.00 

I can meet at Als Pizza in Skowhegan for $50.00

For southbound travelers:

I can meet at the Bangor Mall for $50.00

Occasionally I may be able to meet slightly further but in all honesty with

family, show schedules, bitches due and/or puppies and dogs to take care of, it

is usually very hard for me to be gone from home for very long. If things are slow 

and I am able to, I currently charge .85/mile and will travel up to 1 1/2 hrs one way.