This page has been set up for updated pictures of puppies with deposits.
All of the puppies on this page have been sold.

This page has been set up for updated pictures of puppies with deposits.
All of the puppies on this page have been sold.
While we can make an estimated guess at adult weight, we DO NOT guarantee the adult weight of our Chihuahua puppies. There are weight charts on the internet that can be used to estimate the adult weight of Chihuahua puppies as they grow but I have found over the years that they are very unreliable. I have had puppies that were charting to be 2 lbs as an adult end up at 6 lbs and puppies that were charting 9 lbs as an adult end up at 5 lbs. If a puppy is fat, it will cause him/her to chart higher and if a puppy is very tiny/not a good eater, they will chart to be very small. Weights can fluctuate greatly as a puppy grows and some weeks they can hit greater or lesser growth spurts so their weight estimates can vary by several pounds sometimes as they grow. It is impossible for anyone to tell for sure how much a puppy will weigh as an adult. It would be like trying to guess how big a human baby will be as an adult - it is impossible. Also, several factors can influence how large a puppy will grow to be, such as; feeding Puppy food for too long, excess treats/over feeding, etc. Even with Champion lines and in-size parents, some puppies can/will grow over the Breed Standard in size. The weight charts and the size of the Sire/Dam are never a guarantee on how big a puppy will be so be prepared to love your puppy no matter how big/small he may grow up to be.