We are very pleased to announce that it is now Ch Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up
"Fizz" finished on 11/25/18 under Judge Mrs. Elaine J. Lessig. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
From first point, to finishing point, "Fizz" finished in only 3 weekends of shows!
Once again, a huge thank you to Juli for her exceptional care/handling of our dogs!
11/26/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOV at the Holyoke KC Show in W. Springfield, MA.
11/25/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is WD for 2 pts(to finish) at the Springfield KC Show in W. Springfield, MA.
11/25/18 - Pinewood Acres Been There Done That is BOW at the Springfield Kennel Club show in W. Springfield, MA. Handler Juli Lacey Black.
11/24/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is RWD at the South Windsor KC show in W. Springfield MA.
11/23/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOV(over 2 GCH Specials) for 2 pts at the WCKC show in W. Springfield, MA.
10/27/18 - Majestyk Pinewood Acres Ashes In The Snow is BOW for 1 point at the Queensboro KC show in W Springfield, MA.
10/26/18 - Majestyk Pinewood Acres Ashes In The Snow is WB for 1 point at the Queensboro KC show in W Springfield, MA.
09/02/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOW for a 3 point major at the Mid Coast KC show in Union, ME. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
09/01/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOW for a 3 point major at the Mid Coast KC show in Union, ME. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
06/24/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOV for a 4 point major at the PVKC show in Cumberland, ME. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
06-23-18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is RWD(to a Major) at the Penobscot Valley KC show in Cumberland, ME. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
06/22/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOS for 1 point at the Lewiston Auburn KC Show in Cumberland, ME. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
06/21/18 - Halo's Pinewood Acres All Shook Up is BOV for 1 point at the Lewiston Auburn KC Show in Cumberland, ME. Handler Juli Lacey-Black

We are very pleased to announce that it is now Ch Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome
Elliott finished on 02/04/18 under judge Ms. Dorothy B. Taylor. Handler, Polly Lamarine.
02/04/18 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is WD for 2 pts at the Great Barrington KC Show in W Springfield MA Handler Polly Lamarine
02/03/18 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is WD for a 3 pt mjr at the G Barrington KC Show in W Springfield MA Handler P Lamarine
12/09/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the Eastern Dog Club show in WS, MA. Handler Polly Lamarine.
12/03/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the Worcester County KC in WS, MA. Handler Polly Lamarine.
12/02/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the Worcester County KC in WS, MA. Handler Polly Lamarine.
11/27/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is WD at the Windham County KC in WS, MA. Handler Polly Lamarine.
11/19/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the KC of Philadelphia in Oaks, PA. Handler Polly Lamarine.
11/16/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the Penn Treaty KC in Oaks, PA. Handler Polly Lamarine.
11/04/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is WD for 2 pts at the Back Mountain KC. Handler Polly Lamarine.
11/02/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is BOV at the Palisades KC. Handler Polly Lamarine.
9/24/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is BOV at the Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club. Handler Polly Lamarine.
9/23/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is BOV at the Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club. Handler Polly Lamarine.
9/03/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is BOV for a 3 point major at the MCKC show in Union Maine.
9/02/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD(to a major) at the MCKC show in Union Maine.
9/01/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD(to a major) at AM & PM shows at the CMKC Shows in Union Maine.
8/05/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD(to a major) at the Pioneer Valley KC Shows in Greenfield Mass.
6/23/17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is WD for 2 pts at the Lewiston Auburn KC shows in Cumberland Maine.

We are very pleased to annouce that it is now Ch Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois LCM.
"Chamois" finished on 5/21/17 under Judge Mrs. Ruth H Zimmerman. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
Once again, a huge thank you to Juli Lacy-Black for her exceptional care/handling of our dogs!
5-21-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is BOS for a 3 pt major at the York County KC Show in Scarborough, Me. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
5-20-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is BOS for 2 points at the Vacationland Dog Club Show in Scarborough, Me.
5-19-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the York County Kennel Club show in Scarborough, ME.

We are very pleased to announce that it is now Ch Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite
"Sprite" finished on 3/25/17 under judge Mrs. Nancy Liebes. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
Many thanks go to Juli Lacey Black for the exceptional job she did with Sprite from start to finish!
3-25-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is BOW for 2 pts to finish at the Raleigh KC in Raleigh, NC. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
3-23-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the Alamance KC in Raleigh, NC. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
3-22-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the Cary Kennel Club in Raleigh, NC. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
3-19-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is BOS for a 5 point Major at the Deleware County KC in York, PA. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
3-18-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is BOW for a 5 point Major at the Deleware County KC in York, PA. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
3-17-17 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is WB at the York Kennel Club in York, PA. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
9/02/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the Central Maine Kennel Club Show in Union Me. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
9/02/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is RWD at the Central Maine Kennel Club Show in Union Me.
9/01/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is WD for 1 point at the Central Maine Kennel Club Show in Union Me.
9/01/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is BOW/BOS for 1 point at the Central Maine Kennel Club Show in Union Me. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
9/01/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the Central Maine Kennel Club Show in Union Me. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
7/30/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is RWB at the Providence County KC in Kingston RI
7/30/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD(to a 4 pt major) at the Providence County KC in Kingston RI
6/26/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is BOW for 1 point at the PVKC show in Cumberland Me. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
6/26/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the PVKC show in Cumberland Me.
6/25/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is BOW for 1 point at the PVKC show in Cumberland Me. Hander Juli Lacey-Black.
6/25/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the PVKC show in Cumberland Me.
6/24/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres ET Phonehome is RWD at the Lewiston Auburn Kennel Club show in Cumberland Maine.
6/19/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the Greater Clarksburg WV KC show in Morgantown WV. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
6/18/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the Greater Clarksburg WV KC show in Morgantown WV. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
6/12/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is BOS at the Asheville KC show in Fletcher NC for 1 point. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
5/22/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Windsprite is RWB at the York County Kennel Club show in Scarborough, Me. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
4/08/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is BOV for 2 points at the Cheshire Kennel Club in W. Springfield Mass. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
4/03/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is RWB at the North Country Kennel Club in Syracuse, NY. Handler Juli Lacey-Black
4/01/16 - Sunset's Pinewood Acres Chamois is BOS for 1 point at the Onondaga Kennel Assoc. in Syracuse, NY. Handler Juli Lacey-Black

We are very pleased to announce that it is now Ch Sunset Party At Pinewood Acres
"Rio" finished on 5/14/15 under judge Mr. Rodney E. Herner. Handler Juli Lacey-Black.
Many thanks go to Juli Lacey for her exceptional care and handling of "Rio" from start to finish.
Unfortunately, my host likes to delete the bottom sections of my web pages, so "Rios" show history was lost.